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Begin Again

Everything starts as a dream. We were created with the gift to dream, imagine and create. And unless we dream, we seldom imagine, and without both it’s impossible to create. That leaves us with nothing.

Each of us have a story of our own. Maybe, we chased our dream and watched it come to life. But maybe, we gave up our dream because we got too tired waiting for it. Maybe, we were too scared of the possibility of being disappointed and felt it was safer to let go. Maybe, we stopped dreaming, altogether, because it felt selfish to dream for more.

Being a dreamer doesn’t equal being selfish. It’s an act of faith. To dream, we first encounter the extraordinary love of god. And to dream big, is saying, “I know I can’t, but I know God can”.

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” –Ephesians 3:20

God loves when we dream big. In fact, His dreams for us are bigger than our own. So, don’t settle for dreams that are good enough. Instead, dream BIG because we know that God has our best interest at heart.

And when we dream something that can’t be done in our own strength, that’s when the power of God kicks in. And so, the size of our God should determine the size of our dream.

Last week, I walked into a store and picked out a camera for myself. I picked out the model, color, a pair of lens, the warranty package and even a bag to keep it in. Realistically, it’s more than I’d probably spend. But, not for God. I may, or may not, buy it someday and that is fine with me. It isn’t about the camera, it’s about knowing that He is attentive to what I like. It’s about being able to share my hopes and desires with Him. And it’s about acknowledging Him as the source of all good and perfect gifts.

If you want something, you must dare to ask for it. Write out a detailed description of your dream. Make your dream measurable. Make your dream a plan. Share it with God and trust that it’s on its way. Believe me, it takes more courage than you’d imagine.

When dreams seem to drag on and on, the wait can be discouraging. But when, at last, your dream comes true, it will satisfy your soul. If you have given up on dreams along the way, it’s time to dream again. Begin again, and out-dream yourself!

 “Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and he will provide for you what you desire the most.” –Psalm 37:4

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